Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Momentous Day!

I am happy to announce that my wife Lena has now see Star Wars IV. She finally bit the bullet and sat down the watch one of the greatest movies in the history of mankind. She has tried many times before and has always fallen asleep. But Sunday afternoon while eating dinner at her parents house we finally got the right environment to help her stay awake. So I say to you Lena....CONGRATULATIONS and now we need to help you with the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Also we need to watch the Indiana Jones Trilogy before the new one comes out. She has not seen those either...


Unknown said...

She has led a very sheltered life, I will admit it.

WonderKitty said...

Thanks mom! I will admit that the movie was good, but I can't help but think about all the men out there that are obsessed with this story, and hope that some day I will at least be able to have an intellegent conversation with them. Though I will never know the names of the ships better than Noah.

Laurie said...

Lena, I am so very happy that you now have actually seen this classic. Noah is so proud and I am sure will want to discuss in length all about it.

Mimi said...

YAY for Lena! Star Wars is cool that is one movie I have a hard time sleeping through